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Website by Jenni

2005. All Rights Reserved.


Monthly Newsletter - January 2006
January 12, 2006

Dear Neighbor, 

Happy New Year!  With 2006 well under way, the following are just a few of the things that I’ve heard about and wanted to pass along.  Please check hendersonroad.com often for more news and updates.

News about your neighborhood, articles/tips, and suggestions for the website are always welcome! 

Kind regards,

Jenni, Website Coordinator


I.  Recent Headlines about Tucker and DeKalb


II.  Useful Links


III.  Neighbors Pass Along Tech Tips


IV.  Crime Prevention News, Etc.


I.  Recent Headlines about Tucker and DeKalb

(Click here for more News & Events.)

Tucker to Host Meetings on Community Options

CEO Jones proposes 100% of HOST for property tax reduction in 2006 budget

DeKalb County News: Commission Struggles With Overlay Infill Ordinance

[back to top]


II.  Useful Links

Spotlight on ... clarkhoward.com

(Click here for more Useful Links.)

Put your phone on ICE

“Clark recently talked about ICE, "In Case of Emergency."  And so many people have been asking him about it, that he wanted to revisit the issue.  The idea was developed by a paramedic in Britain because no one knows who to call when you're injured or hurt.  All you do is enter a list of emergency contacts under the letter "I" [under the word "ICE"] in your address list.  Then, if you're hanging on to life, these will people will be able to answer questions about your medical conditions and your wishes for organ donation and right to life.”

Note:  I contacted Captain Eric Jackson, the Public Information Officer for DeKalb County Fire & Rescue Services, to learn if DeKalb personnel are aware of "ICE" and find it useful.  Capt. Jackson replied via email, “Thank you Jenni.  I will pass this along to our members.”

Claim Your Money

”How would you like to find some free money?  It may sound like the start of a scam, but this one is for real.  There are billions of dollars hanging around out there – unclaimed – that could be yours.  It could be money from an insurance policy, an old bank account, or even a small inheritance.”  A few of the websites mentioned in Clark Howard Show Notes are:


unclaimed.org  (Using this site, we helped our family find "lost" money.  Jenni)

treasurydirect.gov  (Find old savings bonds with Treasury Hunt)

[back to top]

III.  Neighbors Pass Along Tech Tips

Here’s a great tip from neighbor, Willis M.:  “How to copy without all the clutter.” 

Here’s an interesting site from neighbor, Mark R.:  Windows Live Local  View your street!

Here’s a fun site from neighbor, Paul W.:  PocketMod  It’s the paper alternative to the PDA (Personal Data Assistant/Pocket Computer) and a free disposable personal organizer.  Give it a try!


V. Crime Prevention News, Etc.

Neighborhood News:  I’ve received no reports of any crime/safety issues occurring in the neighborhoods along Henderson Road.  (Jenni)

Here’s a very useful site/tool:  Scan DeKalb allows you to listen to DeKalb County, Georgia Police and Fire Department radio communications.

[back to top]

Summary of website links






Treasury Hunt

Windows Live Local


Scan DeKalb

hendersonroad.com News & Events

hendersonroad.com Useful Links

hendersonroad.com Tech Savvy

About hendersonroad.com

Please check hendersonroad.com often for more news and updates.  Email alerts will be sent as needed. 

To respect your email address privacy, the recipients received this email via blind courtesy copy (bcc).  Email addresses were provided by residents interested in staying informed of important community news, crime prevention alerts, and recent updates to hendersonroad.com  (Currently, there are 45 email addresses subscribed to this notification.)

Subscribe/Unsubscribe:  If you were forwarded this email from a neighbor and would like to have your email address added to the distribution list – or – If you would like to discontinue receiving this email, click here  The mailbox is checked daily.

** Please consider my forwarding of this information as a means to keep the Henderson Road neighborhood informed. ** 


Jenni, Website Coordinator

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