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Website by Jenni

2005. All Rights Reserved.


Tech Savvy

Whether you're new to the Internet, interested in home automation, or your work profession is staying on top of the latest technology trends, share your tips, shortcuts, and shopping deals with your neighbors.

How To Copy Without The Clutter!

Tired of all the html "fluff' and codes that come with copying an item from E-mail or Web pages (or anything else that has codes in it)?  Here's a shortcut:

  • Highlight and copy all the text you want to copy; (the whole page if you like, but only text will remain at last)

  • Go to Notepad (via Accessories, & scroll down to notepad)
    Paste into Notepad -- which will strip all codes (note that it strips graphics and boxes too!!)

  • Then highlight and copy

  • Paste into your word processor -- save, and ...

    Presto! you have plain text without all the clutter

- Contributed by Willis M.

Tired of directing someone to a web address that is a mile long?
Yes, you can email someone that mile long hyperlink or you could go to http://tinyurl.com and paste that mile long hyperlink into the “MAKE TINYULR” field and make it smaller.

An example:  http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareDownloadIndex?dlc=en&lc=en&os= 181&product=89999&lang=en&cc=us&softwareitem=oj-11474-2 turns into this: http://tinyurl.com/4rmue


The smaller version is certainly much easier to instruct over the phone – and – not as messy if you need to paste it into an email.

- Contributed by Paul W.

Suggested Links
bugmenot.com  Mechanism to bypass the login of websites that require compulsory registration and collection of personal information.
DeKalb County Department of Information Systems  Current projects & services
DeKalb County Family Technology Resource Centers  Community-supported learning environment for all ages, educational levels, and economic status.
HealthyComputing  Experts provide information on computer-related health and safety.
TinyURL.com  Free service to create a tiny URL that will not break in email postings and never expires.

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