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Website by Jenni

2005. All Rights Reserved.


Email Alert Notifications - 12/04/2006

Lost Pet Calico Cat

UPDATE:  K.C. was found!

Dear Neighbor,

Through the hendersonroad.com mailbox, I received the following email note from our Peppermint Drive/Henderson Road neighbors about their missing Calico cat, K.C.

K.C. is missing!

K.C. is a Calico cat that has been part of our family since we rescued her when she was four weeks old (her mother was killed by a car).

She is now 5 and is a very loving and friendly cat.  She is mainly black and tan and is a small cat.

 [click on pictures to see larger view]

K.C. only likes to go out at night.  We let her out Friday night (12/1), and she has not yet returned (Peppermint Drive/Henderson Road area).

We really appreciate you helping us try to find her.  I can be reached any time on my cell at (number has been removed).  She is terribly missed by Kaley who is 9.  (And the rest of the family!!)

Thank you
Tracy & Family

12/05/06 UPDATE:

It is with great relief that we announce that K.C. has been safely returned to our family this evening. The kids were more excited then on Christmas morning!!

We are so grateful for everyone's sympathy and willingness to keep an eye out for K.C.

We wish you all the very best for the upcoming holidays and the New Year!

We can not tell you how relieved we are and happy to live in such a great neighborhood!

Thank you,
Mike, Tracy, Kaley and Chris

To respect your email address privacy, the recipients received this email via blind courtesy copy (bcc).  This email has been distributed to residents in the Peppermint Drive/Henderson Road area.


Jenni, Website Coordinator

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