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Website by Jenni

2005. All Rights Reserved.


Monthly Newsletter - April 2006
April 11, 2006

Dear Neighbor,

What's the latest news buzz in your neighborhood?

Here are several news items that I've heard about from Henderson Road area neighbors and wanted to pass along to you.

Kind regards,

Jenni, Website Coordinator



I.  Home & Garden


II.  Neighborly Tech Sites


III.  Crime Prevention News, Etc.



I.  Home & Garden



Contractor Referrals ...

Spring is here!  Have you begun looking over your home improvement projects "to-do" list?  Are there some projects that you'd rather hire a professional expert/contractor to do?   Click here to see the current list of contractors recommended by Henderson Road area neighbors.  Jack H. is needing decking referrals ...  for all phases from start to finish.  Add your referrals!

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II.  Neighborly Tech Sites



Free Stuff  ...


1-800-Free-411- get free phone numbers - learn more
1-800-411-Save - get free phone numbers - learn more
1-800-411-Metro - get free phone numbers - learn more
pcworld.com - 101 free services and products on the Web


Source:  Clark Howard Show



Security ...

Top 8 Tips for Wireless Home Network Security

Contact Plus Software is a website that I recently discovered for free home inventory software.  I'm still experimenting with the software, but so far, it seems to more than meet my needs.  Look over the website and view the video presentation and see if it meets what you think your needs are.  There is a free version, and there is a Deluxe version for around $30.  The data file (the file that would store your inventory) would reside on your computer as would the application.  I like being able to include digital photos in the inventory database.

- Submitted by Paul W.

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III.  Crime Prevention News, Etc.



Update ...

On March 29th at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral, an informational meeting was held by the Community and DeKalb Police Center Precinct to discuss the upswing in crime in the Northlake, Oak Grove and surrounding neighborhoods.  My neighbor, Ed, showed me a great one page summary about the meeting by Russ Kautz.  With Russ' kind permission,  I would like to share this information with the Henderson Road neighborhood:



Joint Community Meeting

@ Greek Orthodox Church

Wednesday 3/29/06


Outstanding, informative meeting, well attended by DeKalb Police and residents from numerous neighborhoods.


DeKalb Center Precinct, with 104 uniformed officers, received 308,540 "911" calls from November 5, 2005 to February 6, 2006


Month November December January February
Home break-ins 16 26 14 19
Auto break-ins 24 27 19 22


The majority of activity appears to be during the day by teenagers not in school.  Several arrests have been made.  Stolen property is difficult to return because of fast sales of items on street corners, at abandoned gas station sites, etc.  Very few stolen items show up at pawn shops.


Key Highlights:

  • Call 911 immediately about any suspicious people or activity that you witness.

  • Keep vehicles locked with nothing of value visible in the interior.

  • Deposit everything in a U.S. Postal Box, NOT in your mailbox with the flag up.

  • Keep close communication between neighbors, block captains, and your Neighborhood Watch Coordinator.

  • Make sure your neighbors are aware that your property is unoccupied when you are out of town.

  • Carry a cell phone when you jog or walk in your area.  Also a paper and pen would be handy for jotting down license numbers, etc.

  • Make sure everyone in your family, including children, remain vigilant.

  • Keep a list of the serial numbers for your computers, cameras, etc.

Russ Kautz

Randolph Estates

Neighborhood Watch Coordinator



Miscellaneous  ...


Recently updated on the DeKalb County Police Department website:

Neighborhood Watch Handbook - A Guide To Crime Prevention



U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA):  Read the Georgia 2006 facts



For a brief summary of recent incidents reported by Henderson Road And Tucker/DeKalb area neighbors, click here



Coyote Sightings during January-April:

On April 7, a coyote was seen traveling in the creek bed behind the homes located on Bolero Drive and Park Pointe North (former Post Apartments).  In March, a neighbor in this same area saw a pack of five coyotes entering the wetland from his backyard and crossed over in the direction of the apartments.  A single coyote came from that direction into yard.  In January, a coyote was spotted a few times in Winding Woods near the creek that runs between homes on Winbrooke Lane (off Midvale Road).

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Subscribe/Unsubscribe:  Click here  The mailbox is checked daily.

** Please consider my forwarding of this information as a means to keep the Henderson Road neighborhood informed. **

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