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Website by Jenni

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Email Alert Notifications - 04/24/2006 - Neighborly Warning About Pit Bulls

Dear Neighbor,


Through the hendersonroad.com mailbox, I received the following email to share with the hendersonroad.com readers.


Kind regards,

Jenni, Website Coordinator


Subject:  hendersonroad:  General Mailbox

From:  (Sender’s email address removed)


In light of recent pit bull attacks in Dekalb County, I feel compelled to warn readers of hendersonroad.com of two large pit bulls regularly tied up in a yard with no fence at the corner or Henderson Road and Henderson Court.  They are unfriendly to neighbors and other dogs.  Animal Control has come numerous times and the owners have been ticketed at least once.  They have been told it is illegal to tie dogs outside.  The dogs, however, are part of ongoing concerns among the surrounding neighbors.


Additional Comment:  A neighbor would like to also add that they have been known to get loose and exhibit aggressive behavior toward people in other yards, as well.


Additional Note:  Searching the Internet, I found the following information online that may be of interest.  (Jenni)

DeKalb County, GA –  2005 Legislation:  Animal Control Ordinance

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To respect your email address privacy, the recipients received this email via blind courtesy copy (bcc).  Email addresses were provided by residents interested in staying informed of important community news, crime prevention alerts, and recent updates to hendersonroad.com.   (Currently, there are 59 email addresses subscribed to this notification.) 

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** Please consider my forwarding of this information as a means to keep the Henderson Road neighborhood informed. **

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