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Website by Jenni

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Email Notifications - 06/03/2006 - Neighborly Tip for Both Dog Walkers and Walkers


Dear Neighbor,


Through the hendersonroad.com mailbox, I received the following email to share with the hendersonroad.com readers.



Jenni, Website Coordinator


Subject:  hendersonroad:  General Mailbox

From:  Aida Miles


I wanted to share this with the neighborhood.


We live on Henderson Road.  We walk our little black dog every day, usually in the neighborhood behind our house (off of Morgan Road) or in the cul-de-sac across from our house (Henderson Way).


We were out of town for Memorial Day and a friend stayed with our dog.  On Tuesday morning she was walking the dog on Henderson Way and a man was out walking.  He had a stick (which he carries in case he encounters trouble/dogs).  Our dog happily went to him.  We think our friend didn’t pull on the dog’s leash, so he might have gotten close to the man… we are not sure.  The man started telling her to pull the dog away from him and using his stick to prevent the dog from getting closer.  We do not know if our friend did so rapidly or not, but the next thing she knew the man pulled out a gun and pointed it at our dog.


Our friend was dumbfounded and told the man “Sir, It’s OK, it really is OK”.  She pulled the dog away and walked him back home.


Anyway, I understand people being afraid of dogs, and perhaps our friend didn’t know not to let our dog get close to a stranger.  We usually don’t, as we realize a lot of people do not like dogs.


I am sharing this since sometimes children walk dogs, and I wanted to make everyone aware of the danger.  And if whoever pulled a gun on our dog is reading this, I want him to know that we are sorry this happened.  However, pointing a gun at a dog that’s wagging his tail in happiness may be a little too much.


Aida Miles

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** Please consider my forwarding of this information as a means to keep the Henderson Road neighborhood informed. **

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