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Website by Jenni

2005. All Rights Reserved.


Newsletter - April 8, 2008

Dear Neighbors,

Happy Spring!  I'd like to share the following news updates about the Henderson Road area.


Jenni, Website Coordinator


Click on picture

Seen in Empire Square subdivision -

Regency Drive

Sidewalk Construction Along Henderson Road - Update


In December 2007, I received a few inquiries from Henderson Road homeowners about the survey crew working along Henderson Road.  In response, the following details were posted on the website:

Sidewalk Construction Along Henderson Road (click on link)

In March, I checked back with Kevin Skinner, Engineering Consultant, for any updates to share about the project.  Kevin has only received a few calls, and the answers have been just general info, like posted in the 12/9/07 website article.  They've had delays with the surveyors, but the process is moving.  Kevin and I plan to check in every few months and provide the Henderson Road neighbors with any updates.

Results of Traffic Trailer on Henderson Road


Click on picture

In 4th Quarter 2007, several homeowners in the Henderson Road area commented about private and county vehicles traveling through neighborhoods off Henderson Road and especially along Henderson Road above the posted speed limit.  I contacted the DeKalb County Police Department's Traffic Specialist Unit and requested a traffic trailer.  I learned the Unit has 2-3 trailers available for the county, and an officer from the Unit visits the location to assess need and placement.

In February 2008, a trailer was placed at Henderson Court/Henderson Road.  Computer issues prevented the department from retrieving data, and as a result, a good unit was sent out again to Henderson Road.

In March, you may have noticed the trailer at the Arbor Springs subdivision entrance.  Once this trailer was back to the department, the location data files were downloaded.  The traffic survey report from Henderson Road in the attached PDF file (multiple pages and charts) gives a detailed breakdown of the data.

The survey occurred from 03-22-08 through 03-26-08 (approx 10am).  The survey measured 8,843 vehicles.

Minimum Speed:  11 mph

Maximum Speed:  69 mph

Average Speed:  36.88 mph

" ... The 50th percentile means 50% of the cars were travelling >37 mph (and 50% <37)....and the 85th percentile means 85% were travelling <45 mph while only 15% were travelling >45 mph.

Keep in mind that current law governing the use of speed detection devices for enforcement purposes prevent us from writing speeding tickets unless a driver operates 11 or more mph above the posted limit.  In the case of Henderson Road, 46 mph or more."

Special thanks to Sergeant Byers with the Traffic Specialist Unit, and Center Precinct Assistant Commander, Captain Higdon for scheduling the trailer, responding to any questions I had, and for sharing this informative report.

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dekalbpolice.com Has A New Look


Visit DeKalb County Police Department's website for departments and precinct information and maps, periodic newsletters, press releases, and learn more about Interactive Community Policing (ICP).



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Thanks to all of the Henderson Road area neighbors for sharing the community and neighborhood news and keeping us informed!


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** Please consider my forwarding of this information as a means to keep the Henderson Road neighborhood informed. **

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